Design, Supply and Construction in the Energy, Water and Waste Management Sectors

Energy, water and waste seem to be different concepts at first sight, but in terms of their substance and impact on human life they have a great deal in common. Our future depends on how we manage these resources and products.

We provide professional solutions mainly in the following areas

Studies and Concepts

The technical and economic schemes developed by us will help you find the optimal solution and design the best-fit technologies for safe, environmentally friendly and economical operation, including an analysis of possible support from the EU funds and national programmes.

Design and Engineering Services

We will develop for you basic and detailed design documentation for all phases of the project, handle any necessary permitting processes. And provide engineering and consulting services with all authorities.


We provide installation, construction and renovation services for energy, industrial and water management projects. We offer technical and economic supervision on behalf of investors, occupational safety coordination services and other activities related to construction work.

Supply of Technologies

We supply top technologies for heat and power generation and distribution.

Latest News

Two electric boilers for Ostrov nad Ohří
06. 02. 2025

Two electric boilers for Ostrov nad Ohří

Complex Project won the tender for the design and installation of two 2x1 MWel electric boilers at Ostrovská teplárenská, a.s., which will be used to provide power balance services. The delivery ...

Cogeneration, electric boiler and accumulation
15. 12. 2024

Cogeneration, electric boiler and accumulation

Complex project is working on project documentation for the installation of CHP units, electric boilers and batteries in Kateřinky and Flora in Prague for Prometheus Energy Services. We have ...

Selected List of References

Electrode Boiler

Innogy Energo

Realization of the Steam Electrode Boiler Installation Project in the Náchod Heating Plant (10.5 kV, 10 MWe)

Electrode Boiler

Energetika Malenovice

Realization of the Electrode Boiler Installation Project in Malenovice (22 kV, 15 MWe)

Biomass source

Teplárny Brno

Project documentation for construction permit and documentation for selection of the contractor for a biomass plant fired by wood chip at the Brno Sever plant, Teplárny Brno, a.s

Electrode Boiler

Onvion Chrudim

Realization of the Electrode Boiler Installation Project in LDS Onivon Chrudim (6 kV, of an output of 10 MWe)

Sludge Management


Energy balances of sludge management as part of the documentation for construction permit, and tendering of the Brno Modřice WWTP

Biogas Cleaning

Lenzing Biocel Paskov

Cleaning and accumulation of biogas from a sludge-to-energy plant, Lenzing Biocel Paskov

Boiler Desulphurization

Aircraft Industries, Kunovice

Project documentation for the Desulphurization of the K2 and K3 Boilers Using Dry Sorbent Injection, AI Kunovice

District Heating System

Teplárna Písek

District Heating System in Písek East, Phase I

Energy Concept

Tenza, a.s.

Analytical documentation for the Municipal Energy Policy of the City of Brno

Complex Project in Brief

We are a Czech-based company providing design, engineering and contractor services for energetic, industrial and water management projects. We offer our customers comprehensive investment project management services. We rely on a wide-ranging knowledge of the problems to be addressed and long-term experience of our specialists. In cooperation with our affiliated companies, we also provide financing and operation of energy and water facilities.

By opting for a company like ours, you choose a reliable partner offering you a wide range of options and having a wealth of experience.

Complex Project in BriefComplex Project in BriefComplex Project in BriefComplex Project in Brief